Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The bed continues to grow and the tomato plants are spilling over the side and into other partitions of my garden. I've had several small harvests of tomatoes and peppers. There are still many green tomatoes on the vine.

I'm looking forward to harvesting the "sweet genovese" basil which I intend to make pesto with.

I have also set up a 2nd 4x4 bed which I intend to use primarily for growing salads. I started garlic, chives, beats, spinich, and sierra lettuce in this bed. I plan on putting in additional types of lettuce and other greens in the future.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

spaced out?

Because I started late, I decided not to follow the exact SFG placing formula, and now it's looking like I may have over planted. Here is the garden on 7-4:

..And here it is on 8-2:

I don't regret it. This is all a learning experience for me. Next year I plan actually follow the spacing directions. At this point, I'm not thinning it out. I'm just going to wait to see what happens.I figure we have at minimum another at 1½ months until frost and probably a maximum of 3. On the plus side I should be able to harvest a few cherry tomatoes and green peppers in the next few days.